Attorneys John McCreary and David White will join the Keystone Contractors Association (KCA) for a COVID-19 & Workers Comp Q&A webinar on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 10 a.m. Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases the past few weeks, there has also been an uptick in the number of questions from employers related to workers compensation. To help construction companies navigate through these challenging times, the KCA has created an opportunity for construction employers to get their concerns answered. This virtual event features representatives from Babst Calland and McConkey Insurance & Benefits who will be fielding your questions. If interested in attending, please email the KCA.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a “new normal” that was likely not accounted for in pricing and scheduling for projects awarded prior to the pandemic (“existing projects”). As owners and contractors move forward with new projects in a post-pandemic world, there is incredible uncertainty to what extent COVID-19-related requirements will impact future projects (“Future Projects”). This article addresses some of the major risks that owners and contractors face on both existing projects and future projects. To read the full article, click here.
Governor Tom Wolf announced on April 23, 2020 that the construction industry in Pennsylvania may resume in-person operations starting Friday, May 1, 2020 – one week earlier than previously announced. Governor Wolf also issued “stringent” guidance intended to protect construction workers and the public when construction operations resume. This guidance “provides universal protocols for all construction activity, as well as specific additionally guidance for residential, commercial and public construction projects.”
Please read more about this Order in this Alert.
As part of a three phase plan for Pennsylvania overcoming the COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Tom Wolf announced on Monday, April 20, 2020 that limited construction activities may recommence on May 8, 2020 for non-exempt projects in Pennsylvania. Although the full details regarding the plan have not yet been released, it is clear that all construction work must comply with the Governor’s and Secretary of Health’s April 20, 2020 amendments to their business closure orders and must be in strict compliance with the administration’s guidance referenced in those amendments.
Please read more about this Order in this Alert.