Interesting Study on Green Building

McGraw-Hill Construction has released a study examining trends – including global growth trends – in green building.  Historically, owners built green because they were environmental stewards; today, however, other business factors, including lower operating (e.g., energy) costs, are drivers.  Green building, the study continues, is becoming an industry standard.  ENR has more.

Pennsylvania to contribute $15 million to infrastructure improvements near Civic Arena site in Pittsburgh

The Corbett administration has committed $15 million for the construction of infrastructure improvement at the former 28-acre Civic Arena site, where work is expected to start this summer.  $5 million is being released immediately, which will allow The Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to begin work on roads and utilities as early as July 2013 as part of an office and residential development proposed by the Pittsburgh Penguins.  Read more here.

Good News for the Construction Industry in February’s Employment Report

According to the February jobs report, released today by the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the United States economy added 236,000 jobs in the month of February, lowering the unemployment rate to 7.7%.  The Construction industry was one of the largest contributors to job growth– adding 48,000 new jobs in the month of February alone. You can find the report at

Read CNN’s discussion of the February jobs report and the construction industry at
