Mission Statement

The Babst Calland Women’s Initiative strives to increase the retention and advancement of women attorneys at our Firm and in the broader legal community by promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities.

The Women’s Initiative meets regularly to facilitate open discussions about workplace challenges historically faced by women in professional settings and encourages the exchange of advice and experiences to aid others in navigating those challenges.

The Women’s Initiative further supports the Firm’s women attorneys in developing and promoting their practices by acknowledging and celebrating successes and encouraging mentorship among all of the Firm’s attorneys. A key goal of the Women’s Initiative is to connect women attorneys across the Firm’s practice groups and offices, allowing for organic support systems to develop and prosper. This blending of practice groups and offices encourages collaboration and cross-marketing opportunities that benefit our attorneys and clients. By encouraging these relationships, the Women’s Initiative’s work advances the professional and business development of women attorneys at the Firm and within the legal community at large.



The following celebrates the initiatives of the women attorneys at Babst Calland.

Jean Mosites Interviews with Smart Business

In her recent interview with Smart Business, Jean Mosites discusses the uncertainties facing businesses as governments work to address the known or suspected impacts of PFAS. To read the full interview, click here.

Alex Farone Co-Authors Employment Bulletin

In her recent employment bulleting Employment Eligibility Verification Requirement Flexibility to End August 30, 2023 with Steve Antonelli, Alex Farone discusses how all employers must soon resume physically inspecting the Form I-9 and employment eligibility documentation for new employees, a requirement that has not been strictly enforced since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. To read the full bulletin, click here.

Jean Mosites to Serve as Panelist at 2nd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update

Attorney Jean Mosites will serve as a panelist for “Legal & Regulatory Trends” at the Oilfield Water Connections’ 2nd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. During this conference, 150 E&P, midstream, and water service business leaders will gather in Pittsburgh for networking and discussion of the latest produced water industry trends pertaining to commercialization, business risks/opportunities, optimization, and capital allocation.

Anna Hosack Co-Authors Legal Intelligencer Article

In her recent article Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Understanding How Original Jurisdiction in ACRE Cases Impacts Your Municipality with Michael Korns, Anna Hosack discusses a recent opinion from the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court that shows the dangers of relying solely on the MPC procedural rules when other statutes are also potentially in play and highlights the importance of understanding when the normal day to day protocols of the MPC may be superseded by other laws.

Jean Mosites Co-Authors PIOGA Press Article

In her recent article Pennsylvania Supreme Court Vacates the Commonwealth Court 2018 Decision that had Invalidated “Public Resource” Portions of Chapter 78a Regulations with Kevin Garber, Jean Mosites discusses the The Supreme Court’s latest ruling for the well permit process. To read the full article, click here.

Christina Puhnaty Co-Authors The Foundation Article

In her recent article In Response to Environmental Groups’ Request, PADEP Declines to Issue Order to Shell Plant to Cease Operations with Joseph Reinhart, Sean McGovern and Matthew Wood, Christina Puhnaty discuses the April 12 stipulation of settlement between PADEP and Equitrans. Click here to view the full article.

Gina Falaschi Buchman and Christina Puhnaty Co-Author Foundation Article

In their recent article The Future of Pennsylvania’s RGGI Rule Remains Uncertain with Joseph Reinhart and Sean McGovern, Gina Falaschi Buchman and Christina Puhnatydiscuss the three legal challenges that were filed in response to the publication of the final rule. To view the full article, click here.

Katrina Bowers Presenter at EMLF’s 44th Annual Institute

Litigation Attorney Katrina Bowers will co-present “Devil’s Advocate: Crossing the Line of Zealous Advocacy” at EMLF’s 44th Annual Institute on Monday. June 19, 2023. As zealous advocates, attorneys dance on the blade of aggressive advocacy and persuasion.  This presentation will explore this delicate dance through the lens of real-life examples. For more information, click here.

Janet Meub and Anna Jewart Support the Neighborhood Legal Services Association in Allegheny County

Babst Calland women attorneys Janet Meub and Anna Jewart participate in the Neighborhood Legal Services Association’s Pro Bono Protection from Abuse Program in Allegheny County.

The Neighborhood Legal Services Association offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families who are unable to afford a private attorney. The types of services include full legal representation, advice, assistance in self-representation or brief service/limited legal assistance.

Christina Puhnaty Co-Authors PA Law Weekly Article

In her recent article EPA Bets on Low-GHG Hydrogen and Carbon Capture & Sequestration Technologies in Latest Proposed Power Plant Clean Air Act Rule with Gary Steinbauer, Christina Puhnaty discusses the EPA’s proposed rule and how it relies heavily on hydrogen co-firing and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) deployment as part of the decarbonization of the power-producing sector. To read the full article, click here.

Christina McKinley and Alex Farone Author Litigation Alert

In their recent alert Supreme Court Removes Barrier to Appeals of “Purely Legal” Issues Christina McKinley and Alex Farone explain the ruling made last week in Dupree v. Younger. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a summary judgment ruling can be appealed based on a purely legal issue without filing a post-trial motion to preserve the issue.

Alyssa Golfieri Interviews with Smart Business

In her recent interview with Smart Business, Alyssa Golfieri discusses how buyers can avoid common zoning and land use pitfalls in real estate transactions. To view the article on the interview, click here.

Christina McKinley Co-Authors GO-WV Article

In her recent article D.C. Circuit vacates PHMSA’s final rule applied to gathering pipelines with Keith Coyle, Christina McKinley discusses how the D.C. Circuit vacated the final rule applied to gathering lines, faulting PHMSA for failing to follow the process required of it under the APA and the Pipeline Safety Act. Click here to view the full article.

Sloane Wildman Ranked in the 2023 USA Chambers Guide

Attorney Sloane Wildman has been ranked in the 2023 USA Chambers Guide in the District of Columbia for Environment. The Chambers USA guide identifies the best practice groups and lawyers working across the US legal market.

To view Sloane’s profile, click here.

Jean Mosites Gives a PFAS Regulatory Update to Pittsburgh Business Times

In her recent podcast interview, Jean Mosites discusses business uncertainties created by federal and state regulations as they push to rid air, water and common consumer products of PFAS. To listen to the podcast, click here.

SAY “YES”: Reinventing Yourself in the Legal Profession
The Legal Intelligencer (by Janet Meub) Clients come and go. There is no guarantee that...
Babst Calland Partners with PLDIC for “Ask Us Anything” Panel Discussion
Babst Calland partnered with the Pittsburgh Legal Diversity & Inclusion Coalition (PLDIC) to sponsor and...
Film Screening and Panel Discussion in Celebration of International Women’s Day
On March 8, in celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Babst Calland’s...
Women's Initiative
Women’s Initiative 2024 Mentoring Circle Kickoff Meeting
The Babst Calland Women’s Initiative is celebrating the fourth consecutive year of one of the...
Women's Initiative
Babst Calland Names Buchman and Castello Shareholder
Babst Calland recently named Gina Falaschi Buchman and Carla M. Castello shareholders in the Firm....