CLE Program: Good Writing – Legal and Otherwise
BabstCalland_Pit_0119Attorney Mychal Schulz will present a CLE program on "Good Writing - Legal and Otherwise" on Thursday, February 27, 2020. This program will include a discussion on such subjects as: Why preparation before beginning to write is so important; Professional standards for non-legal docs; Advocacy vs. Non-Advocacy legal writing; Using Outlines and Checklists; and The Beethoven vs. Mozart Writer. *Space is limited.
MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence
Heinz Field East Club 100 Art Rooney Ave., PittsburghBabst Calland joins the Master Builders' Association (MBA) for its Construction Industry Evening of Excellence on Thursday, February 27, 2020. The Construction Industry Evening of Excellence is a celebration of the region’s great building construction industry heritage. This event brings together the people that represent every facet of the construction process with a commitment to excellence in each and every construction project. This commitment to excellence is on display during...