2021 Virtual Appalachian Land Institute
WebinarOn Thursday, February 18, 2021, Attorneys Nik Tysiak and Chuck Saffer will join the Michael Late Benedum Chapter of the American Association of Professional Landmen for its 2021 Virtual Appalachian Land Institute (ALI). Nik will present "Practical Usage of the Ohio Dormant Mineral Act and Marketable Title Act" and Chuck will serve on the 2021 ALI Committee. For more information, click here. Nik Tysiak Chuck Saffer
Energy Storage Technology and Regulatory Implications for Renewable Energy Power Supply
WebinarOn Friday, March 19, 2021, Attorney James Curry will be a co-presenter for Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation's (RMMLF) "Energy Storage Technology and Regulatory Implications for Renewable Energy Power Supply." This webinar will provide a primer on energy storage technology, challenges facing electric utilities in incorporating energy storage on their systems, and legal and regulatory opportunities and challenges for public utilities regulated by state commissions. Energy storage is becoming a...
Renewable Gas in the Energy Industry
WebinarOn Tuesday, March 23, 2021, Attorney Jim Curry will present "U.S. RNG & Hydrogen Regulatory Frameworks: Opportunities & Challenges," at EUCI's Renewable Gas in the Energy Industry Conference. Topics include: Federal regulatory frameworks for hydrogen and RNG Areas of clarity versus regulatory uncertainties that may cause delay Options for closing the gaps
2nd Energy and Environmental Law Conference
WebinarAttorney Jean Mosites will present "The Climate Change Outlook for Energy in 2021" at The Center for American and International Law's 2nd Energy and Environmental Law Conference on Thursday, March 25, 2021. This session will cover recent developments in both federal and state climate change initiatives affecting the oil and gas industry. The session will discuss a wide range of actions, from cap-and-trade programs, to litigation, legislation and regulation. Climate...
The Rise of Legal Tech and Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) – Trends, Uses and Lessons Learned
WebinarOn Wednesday, April 8, 2021, Babst Calland’s Board Chairman and Management Committee Member Christian Farmakis and Attorney Dane Fennell will present "The Rise of Legal Tech and Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) – Trends, Uses and Lessons Learned" for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC). Mr. Farmakis and Mr. Fennell will discuss how in-house legal departments and their law firms are rapidly increasing the deployment...
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Annual Meeting
WebinarAttorney Keith Coyle will be a panelist for a technical session on "Midstream Policy Outlook" during the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers' (AFPM) Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. In recent years we have experienced a myriad of legislative and regulatory midstream policies that improved pipeline safety and streamlined infrastructure permitting. During the same period, pipelines have become highly politicized. We have seen widespread efforts to stifle or stop...
Spill Discovery, Reporting, and Remediation
WebinarOn Tuesday, April 27, 2021, Attorney Kevin Garber will present "Legal Considerations and Liabilities" during PIOGA's Technical Seminar Series on Spill Discovery, Reporting, and Remediation. For more information, click here.
Ask the Attorneys – A Year Later
Zoom WebinarOn Thursday, April 29, 2021, Construction Attorney David White will be a co-panelist for Keystone Contractors Association's (KCA) "Ask the Attorneys - A Year Later." A year ago we found ourselves in a state of uncertainty: What exactly is the Coronavirus? When will the construction industry fully reopen? What are the legal ramifications from everything that is going on? There were so many questions a year ago. Fortunately, KCA members...
2021 PIOGA Spring Meeting
Rivers CasinoAttorneys Kevin Garber and Jean Mosites will co-present "Pipeline Pitfalls - Legal Challenges & Obstacles" during the 2021 PIOGA Spring Meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. For more information, click here. Kevin Garber Jean Mosites
Pipeline Safety Regulations
WebinarOn Thursday, May 20, 2021, Pipeline Attorneys Keith Coyle, Jim Curry and Brianne Kurdock will be instructors for EUCI's "Pipeline Safety Regulations." This course will highlight changes in the law and explain how companies can address compliance challenges in the context of stricter regulator interpretations of current regulatory requirements and increased enforcement. It will dive into developing an increased awareness of the scope and content of regulations and how to...
EMLF’s 42nd Annual Institute
Peabody Hotel 118 S. Second Street, Memphis, TNBabst Calland joins the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) for its 42nd Annual Institute, June 20-22, 2021. Attorney Jim Curry will be a co-panelist for "Carbon Capture/Storage." Many policymakers advocate widespread use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to help address climate change. Investors are starting to evaluate CCS projects and several states have promulgated CCS regulations or are considering such rules. These developments are important to several segments...
Pipeline Permitting and Safety Seminar
Zoom WebinarPipeline Attorneys Keith Coyle and Brianne Kurdock will present "The Megarule, Gas Storage and Other Recent Developments" during the Marcellus Shale Coalition's Pipeline Permitting and Safety Seminar on Thursday, July 15, 2021. Keith will also be the moderator for the "PHMSA and PUC Discussion" session. For more information, click here. Keith Coyle Brianne Kurdock
2021 PIOGATech Water & Waste Management Training
The Chadwick 10545 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United StatesAttorney Jean Mosites will be presenting at the 2021 PIOGATech Water & Waste Management Training on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Join industry experts to learn about the latest developments for unconventional and conventional operations. For more information, click here.
Pipelines 101 – Basic Principles of Onshore Pipelines
WebinarOn Thursday, August 26, 2021, Attorney Keith Coyle will be a co-presenter for EUCI's "Pipelines 101 - Basic Principles of Onshore Pipelines." This course will concentrate on natural gas and petroleum pipelines, cover the history of pipelines, review pertinent definitions and terminology, and explain how pipelines are designed and how they operate. This course is intended primarily for those individuals that may have a limited knowledge or experience with pipelines. It will...
Shale Insight 2021
Babst Calland joins the Marcellus Shale Coalition for Shale Insight 2021, September 28-30, 2021. Shale Insight offers participants unprecedented interaction with industry-leading CEOs, elected officials and thought leaders, all of whom play a critical role in crafting the public policy and technical landscape that defines shale gas development around the world. Insightful technical and public affairs sessions, national keynote addresses, and networking receptions will provide attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors unique...
EMLF’s Fall Symposium
Hilton Lexington/Downtown 369 W Vine St. , Lixington, KY, United StatesBabst Calland joins the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) for its Fall Symposium, October 12,-14 2021. On Wednesday, October 13, US Senator Shelley Moore Capito will participate in a conversation with her son, Moore Capito, a Babst Calland Shareholder and member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, about the bipartisan infrastructure bill and other legislative priorities, and their potential impact on the energy industry. Also on Wednesday, October...
Pipeline Safety Regulations
WebinarOn Thursday, October 14, 2021, Pipeline Attorneys Keith Coyle and Brianne Kurdock will be co-presenters for EUCI's "Pipeline Safety Regulations." The pipeline industry is under heightened scrutiny by regulators, the media, and the public. The NTSB highlighted aging pipelines as a concern in its 2019-2020 Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements. Likewise, Congress has an ongoing interest in the safety of older transmission pipelines and in the replacement of...
2021 Annual Environmental Conference
VirtualAttorney Lisa Bruderly will present "Hot Topics in Water Law: Regulatory Issues Affecting Permitting and Compliance" during the PA Chamber of Business and Industry's 2021 Annual Environmental Conference. Topics include: A discussion of recent key federal and Pennsylvania water law developments that will affect regulatory permitting and compliance. The latest definition of “water of the United States,” industrial stormwater compliance, drinking water and spill prevention and response. Updates on case...
Energy & Mineral Law Foundation – Petrochemicals Update
VirtualBabst Calland joins the Energy Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) for its "Petrochemicals Update" weekly webinar series, October 20-November 10, 2021. Following up on the popular 2018 Petrochemicals Special Institute, this webinar will feature a series of business and legal topics, including updates on the Shell cracker plant in Pittsburgh and other developments, navigating economic incentives for petrochemical projects, safety and permitting best practices, and panel discussions on environmental, social, governance...
39th Annual PACA Meeting
Hotel HersheyAttorney Kevin Garber will present "Land Use/Zoning: The Impact on Our Industry" at Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association's (PACA) 39th Annual Meeting on Monday, November 15, 2021. Kevin will discuss land use zoning and the impact on the industry, as well as actions they need to take to better position themselves as they expand and renew their operations. For more information, click here.