Energy & Mineral Law Foundation’s Kentucky Mineral Law Conference

Hilton Lexington/Downtown 369 W Vine St. , Lixington, KY, United States

Babst Calland joins the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation's (EMLF) for its Kentucky Mineral Law Conference, October 16-17, 2019.  Attorney Kevin Douglass will be co-presenting on "Investigation Techniques to Support and Refute Allegations of Mine Subsidence Damages."  This presentation will focus on the importance of in-house corporate energy counsel’s identification of their client (the company vs. individual employees) in situations where potential conflicts can arise and will feature a discussion...

Shale Insight 2019

David L. Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd. , Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Babst Calland at Shale Insight 2019, October 22-24, 2019. Shale Insight offers participants unprecedented interaction with industry-leading CEOs, elected officials and thought leaders, all of whom play a critical role in crafting the public policy and technical landscape that defines shale gas development around the world. Insightful technical and public affairs sessions, national keynote addresses, and high-powered networking sessions will provide attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors unprecedented access to the...


WVU College of Law 101 Law School Dr. , Morgantown , WV, United States

Attorneys Kip Power and Shannon Rutherford will present "Clean Water Act Sections 401, 404 and 505: Citizen Suits Based on Water Quality Certifications for Energy Projects," at WVU College of Law's Shale Gas Law 2019 on November 8-9, 2019. A state must issue a water quality certification under Clean Water Act Section 401 in order to make effective any federal permit issued under other Clean Water Act provisions that authorize...

Pennsylvania Association of Zoning Officials Fall Educational Seminar

Practice Page

Attorneys Alyssa Golfieri and Max Junker will present on the enforcement process to help Zoning Officers make sure they are following the correct procedure at the Pennsylvania Association of Zoning Officials (PAAZO) Fall Educational Seminar on Friday, November 8, 2019. This full-day seminar is an excellent opportunity for zoning officers, planners, and other officials to get caught up on recent zoning and land use developments, as well as obtain a...

CLE Program: Due Diligence for Transactions: Planning, Management & The Role of Technology


Attorneys Paul Atencio and Elena Rorabaugh will present a CLE program on "Due Diligence for Transactions: Planning, Management & The Role of Technology" on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. The program will address such topics as: How a transaction agreement shapes the due diligence process The types of work required in due diligence (substantive vs. administrative) How technology can assist (digital data rooms, creation of asset schedules) Utilizing and creating databases...

PIOGATech Air Quality Compliance Training

The Chadwick 10545 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

Attorneys Kevin Garber and Jean Mosites will be presenting at PIOGATech Air Quality Compliance Training on Tuesday, December 17, 2019.  This training will provide an overview of the air quality regulations and associated compliance obligations currently impacting the oil and gas industry. The course will also cover emissions inventory basics, current developments regarding emissions monitoring and testing, and a legal update on oil and gas air quality topics.  The course...

CLE Program: Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards


Attorney Boyd Stephenson will present a CLE program on "Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards" on Friday, January 16, 2020. This program will include an overview of the Department of Homeland Security regulations to ensure that those utilizing potentially hazardous chemicals have necessary measures in place to reduce risks of those chemicals being exploited by terrorists. Covered industries include chemical manufacturing, storage facilities, energy and utilities, mining, paint and coatings, and even...

MLBC’s January Dinner Meeting

Hilton Garden Inn at Southpointe 1000 Corporate Drive, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Attorney Nik Tysiak will present "Navigating the Tax Sale Maze" at MLBC's January Dinner Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020.

Successful Contract Negotiations

NOVA Place 100 South Commons, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Attorneys Sara Antol and Justine Kasznica will present a CLE on "Successful Contract Negotiations" for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Thursday, January 23, 2020. This seminar will discuss how to negotiate contracts and will present a "Tool Kit" with sample language. For more information, click here. Sara Antol Justine Kasznica

CLE Program: Good Writing – Legal and Otherwise


Attorney Mychal Schulz will present a CLE program on "Good Writing - Legal and Otherwise" on Thursday, February 27, 2020.  This program will include a discussion on such subjects as: Why preparation before beginning to write is so important; Professional standards for non-legal docs; Advocacy vs. Non-Advocacy legal writing; Using Outlines and Checklists; and The Beethoven vs. Mozart Writer. *Space is limited.

Introduction to Pipeline Safety Regulations

EUCI Conference Center 6400 S Fiddlers Green Cir., Greenwood Village, CO, United States

Attorney Keith Coyle will be an instructor for an "Introduction to Pipeline Safety Regulations," March 4-5, 2020. The pipeline industry is under heightened scrutiny by regulators, the media and the public. The NTSB highlighted aging pipelines as a concern in its 2019-2020 Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements. Likewise, Congress has ongoing interest in the safety of older transmission pipelines and in the replacement of leaky and deteriorating cast...

Transaction Preparedness: How to Prepare Your Company for Any Type of Deal

Wyndham Grand Hotel Downtown 600 Commonwealth Place, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Attorney Christian A. Farmakis will be the moderator for Transaction Preparedness: How to Prepare Your Company for Any Type of Deal at Smart Business Dealmakers Conference, March 5, 2020. No matter what type of M&A transaction you’re looking to do, being prepared comes down to three areas — your finances, operations and people. This group of entrepreneurs and experts will offer a deep dive into how to make sure you’re...

Ohio Oil and Gas Association’s 2020 Annual Meeting

Hilton Columbus at Easton 3900 Chagrin Dr. , Columbus, OH, United States

Attorney Keith Coyle will participate at the OOGA Annual Meeting on the midstream panel on March 5, 2020 addressing recent rules issued by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). This meeting brings together top state and national industry leaders who will discuss current issues impacting the Ohio oil and gas industry. In addition to the business sessions, vendors exhibiting products and services pertinent to the industry will participate...

Returning to the Moon: A Legal Symposium

Cleveland Marshall College of Law 1801 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Attorney Justine Kasznica will present on "How Ohio Companies Can Get Involved in the Artemis Program" at Returning to the Moon: A Legal Symposium on Friday, March 6, 2020. This symposium will explore the various legal challenges surrounding the return to the Moon including property claims, military activity, commercial ventures, jurisdictional issues, environmental sustainability, and natural resource extraction. For more information, click here.

Aftermarket Defeat Devices: Enforcing & Mitigating Mobile Air Pollution

Attorney Julie Domike will be a panelist for the Environmental Law Institute's "Aftermarket Defeat Devices: Enforcing & Mitigating Mobile Air Pollution" webinar on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Enforcing mobile source pollution, such as from motor vehicles, has become increasingly challenging as consumers and industry have turned to aftermarket “defeat devices” that may provide perceived benefits like enhanced fuel efficiency but exacerbate the emission of air pollutants. Mobile sources account for...

9th Annual Marcellus and Manufacturing Development Conference

Attorney Mychal Schulz will present "Update: The Nuisance Nuisance" as a webinar for the West Virginia Manufacturers Association's (WVMA) 9th Annual Marcellus and Manufacturing Development Conference on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. Like a gnat that refuses to go away, nuisance claims continue to be filed in the region against companies in the oil and natural gas industry. In this presentation, Mr. Schulz provides an overview of how nuisance laws have...

CLE Program: Venture Mechanics 101

Zoom Webinar

Attorneys Justine Kasznica and Michael Fink will present a CLE program on "Venture Mechanics 101" on Thursday, June 4, 2020.

Force Majeure and Related Provisions

Zoom Webinar

As we continue to move through unprecedented times, the presence, utility and implications of force majeure and related contractual provisions have come to the forefront. Attorneys Kevin Wills, Kate Cooper and Mary Binker will discuss these provisions with a focus on addressing COVID-19 implications and agreement workarounds for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Wednesday, June 10, 2020. For more information, click here. Kevin...

From Idea to Invention to Intellectual Property: What Startups and Innovators Need to Know

Attorneys Justine Kasznica and Carl Ronald will join the Scott Institute’s Jay Whitacre and Anna Siefken for an informative discussion, "From Idea to Invention to Intellectual Property: What Startups and Innovators Need to Know" on Thursday, June 11, 2020. Understanding the Intellectual Property (IP) and Patent processes when building a startup can be uniquely challenging for inventors. As a Power Connector with the Department of Energy’s American-Made Solar Prize, the...