EMLF’s 41st Annual Institute & Fall Symposium


Babst Calland joins the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) for its 41st Annual Institute & Fall Symposium, October 13,-17 2020. Don Bluedorn Attorney Donald Bluedorn will co-present "Ethics: Implicit Bias in the Law Firm Setting." Implicit Bias refers to when we have attitudes toward people or associate stereotypes without our conscious knowledge based on factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and age. This presentation will address...

Human Resources in the Work From Home World

Zoom Webinar

Attorneys Steve Antonelli and John McCreary will lead a roundtable discussion on "Human Resources in the Work From Home World" for the Energy Leaders Network on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Human resources experts will discuss the challenges and perks of working from home/remotely during these crazy times. For more information, click here.

2020 Annual Environmental Conference


Attorney Colleen Grace Donofrio will present "Surviving Investigations and Facility Inspections" during PA Chamber of Business and Industry's 2020 Environmental Conference on Wednesday, October 28, 2020. It is critical that companies are adequately prepared for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) inspections to avoid violations and compliance-related fines. Colleen will discuss: How to prepare for an inspection if you receive an early notice, what to...

CLE: Data Privacy – Ensuring Compliance Amidst and Evolving Regulatory Landscape

Zoom Webinar

Attorneys Justine Kasznica and Ashleigh Krick will present a CLE on "Data Privacy – Ensuring Compliance Amidst and Evolving Regulatory Landscape" on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The data privacy regulatory landscape is evolving rapidly, and compliance has never been more important, particularly as the business world has been forced to become more digital as a result of the pandemic. Topics will include: Overview of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Personal Information Protection...

Pipeline Safety Regulations


On Friday, November 6, 2020, Attorneys Keith Coyle, James Curry and Brianne Kurdock will be instructors for EUCI's Pipeline Safety Regulations course. The pipeline industry is under heightened scrutiny by regulators, the media and the public. The NTSB highlighted aging pipelines as a concern in its 2019-2020 Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements. This course will dive into developing an increased awareness of the scope and content of regulations...

State Clean Transportation Initiatives: Stepping Toward Success for High EV Adoption


Attorneys Julie Domike and Gina Falaschi will be co-panelists for the Environmental Law Institute's "State Clean Transportation Initiatives: Stepping Toward Success for High EV Adoption" webinar on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. The United States is experiencing a wave of state-led clean transportation initiatives that are gaining substantial momentum. Faced with insufficient action on the federal level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, states are focusing their efforts on the sector that...

WEBINAR: Driving Solar Development and Policy in Pennsylvania


Attorney Ben Clapp will be a panelist for "Driving Solar Development and Policy in Pennsylvania" on Thursday, November 12, 2020. This webinar will be  hosted by Carnegie Mellon University’s Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation as part of its "Energy, Resilience, and COVID-19 – Pivoting in 2020" Webinar Series and will continue the discussion on the future of energy policy, turning the focus to solar development. Can multiple technologies...

COVID-19 & Workers Comp Q&A

Zoom Webinar

Attorneys John McCreary and David White will join the Keystone Contractors Association (KCA) for a COVID-19 & Workers Comp Q&A on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases the past few weeks, there has also been an uptick in the number of questions from employers related to workers compensation. To help construction companies navigate through these challenging times, the KCA has created an opportunity for construction...

DUG East-Marcellus-Utica Midstream Conference – ESG Spotlight


Attorney Jean Mosites will be a co-speaker for "ESG Spotlight:  Beyond Simply Satisfying Investors' Demands" during the DUG East-Marcellus-Utica Midstream Conference on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. One of Appalachia's top operators has increased its net-zero goals. What is the particular strategies they are pursuing in the Marcellus and Utica region to achieve those goals and how is it letting investors and the public know. Also, what are investors demanding, and...

Past, Present and Future of Environmental Enforcement: Perspectives of Former EPA Air Enforcement Attorneys


Julie Domike Attorneys Julie Domike and Clara Poffenberger will co-present "Past, Present and Future of Environmental Enforcement: Perspectives of Former EPA Air Enforcement Attorneys" to the A&WMA Baltimore-Washington Chapter on Thursday, December 3, 2020. Based on over 30 years’ individual experience with a variety of clients and air issues, these nationally recognized Clean Air Act attorneys will provide perspectives on the 50-year history of environmental enforcement as well as the...

2020 PIOGATech Air Quality Compliance Training


Attorneys Kevin Garber and Jean Mosites will co-present "Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and Post-Election Updates" during the 2020 PIOGATech Air Quality Compliance Training on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. This Training will include the following topics: An Overview of Air Quality Regulations Affecting Oil and Gas Industry An Intro to ProMax for O & G Emission Estimates An Overview of Methods for Identifying and Estimating Methane Emissions Air Dispersion Modeling...

Implicit Bias in Legal Settings – Why and How to Disrupt It

Zoom Webinar

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, Attorney Don Bluedorn will co-present "Implicit Bias in Legal Settings - Why and How to Disrupt It," to the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC). This session will define Implicit Bias and identify ways in which it poses challenges for groups under-represented in the legal profession. The presenters will discuss the Bostock decision and how Implicit Bias affects hiring and other...

Special Institute on Solar Power


As the solar industry grows, the universe of legal issues surrounding solar development grows with it. With clients diversifying and practices growing — what do lawyers need to know to be successful? On January 26-28, 2021, solar energy industry personnel and attorneys focused on solar developments, including Babst Calland's Ben Clapp, will present on the myriad of legal, financial, and practical considerations for solar power projects during the Energy &...

Cybersecurity Update – Empowering In-House Counsel in Support of More Proactive Cybersecurity and Defense of Corporate Networks

Zoom Webinar

Concurrent with the rise in the frequency and the sophistication of cyber-attacks, organizations are increasingly adding legal leaders to teams with strategic cybersecurity oversight and responsibilities. On Wednesday, February 3, 2021, Babst Calland’s Carl Ronald will join PacketViper President Ken Wolf and CTO Donald Gray to review fundamental network-related cybersecurity concepts for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC). Topics covered will include: The Solarwinds third-party...

Pipelines 101 – Basic Principles of Onshore Pipelines


On Thursday, February 16, 2021, Pipeline Attorney Keith Coyle will be an instructor for EUCI's "Pipelines 101 - Basic Principles of Onshore Pipelines." This course will concentrate on natural gas and petroleum pipelines, cover the history of pipelines, review pertinent definitions and terminology, and explain how pipelines are designed and how they operate. This course is intended primarily for those individuals that may have a limited knowledge or experience with...

Oil and Gas Environmental and Regulatory Institute

Attorney Lisa Bruderly will present "The State of Waters of the U.S. Classification and What This Means for Your Permit," Attorney Kathy Condo will co-present "Regulatory Potpourri" and Attorney Kevin Garber will co-present "Produced Water: A State by State Regulatory Approach" at the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation's (EMLF) Oil and Gas Environmental and Regulatory Institute, February 16-18, 2021. Lisa Bruderly Kathy Condo Kevin Garber

2021 APA Kickoff Event

Bella Sera 414 Morganza Rd., Canonsburg, PA, United States

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Attorney Keith Coyle will speak at the 2021 Appalachian Pipeliners Association (APA) Kickoff Event on the implications of the 2020 election on the energy industry. For more information, click here.

2021 Virtual Appalachian Land Institute


On Thursday, February 18, 2021, Attorneys Nik Tysiak and Chuck Saffer will join the Michael Late Benedum Chapter of the American Association of Professional Landmen for its 2021 Virtual Appalachian Land Institute (ALI). Nik will present "Practical Usage of the Ohio Dormant Mineral Act and Marketable Title Act" and Chuck will serve on the 2021 ALI Committee. For more information, click here. Nik Tysiak Chuck Saffer

Energy Storage Technology and Regulatory Implications for Renewable Energy Power Supply


On Friday, March 19, 2021, Attorney James Curry will be a co-presenter for Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation's (RMMLF) "Energy Storage Technology and Regulatory Implications for Renewable Energy Power Supply." This webinar will provide a primer on energy storage technology, challenges facing electric utilities in incorporating energy storage on their systems, and legal and regulatory opportunities and challenges for public utilities regulated by state commissions. Energy storage is becoming a...

Renewable Gas in the Energy Industry


On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, Attorney Jim Curry will present "U.S. RNG & Hydrogen Regulatory Frameworks: Opportunities & Challenges," at EUCI's Renewable Gas in the Energy Industry Conference. Topics include: Federal regulatory frameworks for hydrogen and RNG Areas of clarity versus regulatory uncertainties that may cause delay Options for closing the gaps