2022 PSATS Summer Solicitors Seminar

Butler County

Attorney Max Junker will present "Issues in Zoning Enforcement" at the PA State Association of Township Supervisors' (PSATS) Summer Solictors Seminar on Thursday, June 23, 2022. This seminar will cover a wide variety of emerging and important trends and issues vital to the practice of every municipal solicitor. For more information, click here.

Oilfield Water Connection’s Marcellus Water Business Update

Attorney Jean Mosites will be a co-panelist for "Navigating Produced Water Regulation Across The Marcellus-Utica" during the Oilfield Water Connection's Marcellus Water Business Update on Friday, July 29, 2022. Since 2019, Oilfield Water Connection has gathered thousands of senior business people at full-cycle water management conferences in Texas with strong participation from E&P operators, water midstream firms, service providers, and investors. Heeding industry requests, Oilfield Water Connection is responding by...

Negotiating Service and Supply Agreements in the Current Environment


Attorneys Mary Binker and Kevin Wills will present "Negotiating Service and Supply Agreements in the Current Environment" to the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. In recent years, current events have frequently changed how companies conduct day-to-day business. From shifts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to continuing supply chain disruptions, Mary and Kevin will discuss negotiating service and supply agreements in...

13th Appalachia Energy Law Conference

The Westin Pittsburgh 1000 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, United States

Babst Calland joins the Institute for Energy Law and the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) at the 13th Appalachia Energy Law Conference (f/k/a Law of Shale Plays Conference), September 7-8, 2022. Focused on legal issues related to the shale plays in the United States, this conference brings together clients, attorneys, professional landmen, and other professionals to learn and discuss important cases, concepts, and trends. In addition, the conference features...

2022 WV Brownfields Conference

Attorney Matt Wood will be a co-panelist for "PFAS Forever Chemicals – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You" during the 2022 WV Brownfields Conference on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. For more information, click here.

2022 Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop

Hilton Stamford Hotel & Executive Meeting Center

Babst Calland joins the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE) for its annual Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop (NSCW), September 13-14, 2022. NSCW takes a regional, cross-industry approach to redevelopment that allows brownfield, environmental, and sustainability professionals to come together and get unique insights and perspectives on key regional issues, up-to-date strategies and emerging solutions for more successful remediation, resilience and sustainable projects. Attorney Mackenzie Moyer will be a co-panelist for the...

SEER’s 30th Fall Conference

Renaissance Nashville Hotel

Babst Calland joins the American Bar Association's Section of Environment, Energy and Resources (SEER) for its 30th Fall Conference, September 21-23, 2021. SEER's Fall Conference is the premier forum for environmental, energy, and resources lawyers: a meeting place where practitioners can find the most current and sophisticated analyses of the complicated issues facing their practice. Attorney Jim Curry will be a co-panelist for "Put Your Next Foot Forward:  Next Generation...

NASA Industry Day and Small Business Networking Event

The University of Scranton 900 Mulberry Street, Scranton, PA, United States

Justine Kasznica will be a panelist on the Small Business Presentation panel to speak from her role as a lawyer who helps space and other technology businesses/individuals designed soon-to-be proprietary information operate in the tech transfer space, especially individuals and companies in the early stages of idea development moving out of their lab and into the commercial realm. To view the agenda, click here.

Shale Insight 2022

Bayfront Conference Center 1 Sassafras Pier, Erie, PA

Babst Calland joins the Marcellus Shale Coalition for Shale Insight 2022, September 27-29, 2022. Shale Insight offers participants unprecedented interaction with industry-leading CEOs, elected officials and thought leaders, all of whom play a critical role in crafting the public policy and technical landscape that defines shale gas development around the world. Insightful technical and public affairs sessions, national keynote addresses, and networking receptions will provide attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors unique...

Harnessing Hydrogen: Exploring Local & Regional Opportunities in Appalachia

Washington & Jefferson College

Babst Calland joins the Washington & Jefferson Center for Energy Policy and Management for its "Harnessing Hydrogen: Exploring Local & Regional Opportunities in Appalachia" symposium on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Attorney Kevin Garber will be a co-panelist for "Fundamentals of Hydrogen Energy and Carbon Capture." While hydrogen energy and carbon capture utilization/storage present a tremendous opportunity for the tri-state region, the path forward is unclear. Several economic, regulatory, and technological...

2022 Marcellus to Market (M2M)

Hollywood Casino at the Meadows

Pipeline Attorney Chris Kuhman will present a "Pipeline Safety Update" during PIOGA's 2022 Marcellus to Market (M2M) on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. M2M will explore efforts to promote manufacturing in Pennsylvania, natural gas as a transportation fuel, the future of the Appalachian Storage Hub, and the latest regarding pipelines and other means of delivering natural gas to market. M2M will also explore innovations such as blending natural gas and hydrogen...

2022 Annual Environmental Conference

Eden Resort & Suites 222 Eden Rd., Lancaster, PA, United States

Attorney Colleen Grace Donofrio will present "Your Survival Guide for Inspections and Compliance Visits" during the PA Chamber of Business and Industry's 2022 Annual Environmental Conference. This presentation will be an informal, interactive discussion of Best Management Practices to minimize potential enforcement, including: Pre-Arrival Tip; On-Site Visit Management Consideration; Recommended Post-Visit Action; and *NEW* Spill Plan Coverage Considerations. For more information, click here.

CCUS Projects & Environmental Law


Babst Calland joins EUCI for "CCUS Projects & Environmental Law," November 2-3, 2022. Carbon capture, sequestration, utilization, and storage (CCUS) will be essential in meeting net zero GHG emission goals. Although Congress has accelerated CCUS as a national decarbonization strategy with billions in new investments, CCS projects still face many obstacles in the US, and current federal environmental laws and regulations may often impede progress. The permitting and regulatory approvals...

Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative

Attorney Kevin Garber will co-present "The 'What' and 'Why' of Oversight & Liability" at the Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative's Deep Dive Discussion on Legislative Priorities on Monday, December 5, 2022. The Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative is a partnership of energy stakeholder organizations. The Collaborative brings together over 50 public, private, and non-governmental organizations committed to leveraging CCUS and hydrogen technology to decarbonize Pennsylvania’s economy and accelerate its economic growth. The...

Emerging Trends in ESG


On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Attorney Gina Falaschi will present "Emerging Trends in ESG" during the Chemistry Council of New Jersey's (CCNJ) Plant Operation Management Workshop. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues are an emerging trend across the country and the world. This presentation will cover the basics of ESG and recent developments, including the SEC’s proposed Climate Disclosure Rule released on March 21. Included in this presentation is an...

PIOGATech – Air Quality Compliance Technical Seminar

The Chadwick 10545 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

Attorney Gary Steinbauer will co-present "EPA’s Proposed Methane Supplement: What’s New, Different, & Significant?" at the PIOGATech – Air Quality Compliance Technical Seminar on Thursday, December 15, 2022. This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the factors that influence air emissions, an overview of the regulations as they relate to oil and gas operations, compliance, and testing methods. For more information, click here.  

Smart Business Dealmakers Conference – Navigating M&A Uncertainty

Wyndham Grand Hotel Downtown 600 Commonwealth Place, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins Smart Business for its Dealmakers Conference, “Navigating M&A Uncertainty,” on Thursday, February 9, 2023. Attorney Kevin Wills will be the moderator for “Preparing Your Company to Navigate Deals On the Angry Seas.” Are you ready to pursue M&A opportunities with rising interest rates, stricter deal terms, a tight labor market, and uncertain economic conditions? Join this group of C-suite executives and deal advisors for a rousing conversation...

PBI’s 2023 Environmental Law Forum

Hilton Harrisburg 1 N 2nd St., Harrisburg, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) for its 2023 Environmental Law Forum, March 15-16, 2023. The following attorneys will be presenters: Keith Coyle ("Pipelines:  Gas, CO2  and Hydrogen"); Betsy Dupuis ("Land Use/Zoning Law Update"); and Kevin Garber ("Planners' Roundtable "). Kevin Garber also served as a member of the planning team for this Forum. For more information, click here. Keith Coyle Betsy Dupuis Kevin Garber

2023 Appalachian Land Institute

Hilton Garden Inn at Southpointe 1000 Corporate Drive, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) for its 2023 Appalachian Land Institute, March 21-22, 2023. Attorney Moore Capito will present "Energy Policy in West Virginia from the Statehouse Perspective" and Attorney Robert Stonestreet will present "The New West Virginia Unitization Process." For more information, click here. Moore Capito Robert Stonestreet  

2023 PIOGA Spring Meeting

Rivers Casino

Attorney Jean Mosites will be a panelist for "Water Disposal" during PIOGA's Spring Meeting on Thursday, March 23, 2023. For more information, click here.