SEER Essentials: The Clean Water Act – Understanding and Navigating the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program
Attorneys Donald Bluedorn and Gary Steinbauer will be panelists at SEER Essentials: The Clean Water Act - Understanding and Navigating the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program on March 6, 2019. This program, part of the ABA's Section of Environment, Energy & Resources Law (SEER) Essentials series, provides you with all the basics of The Clean Water Act's NPDES permit program. Join this group of highly experienced environmental...
WVU College of Law’s National Energy and Sustainability Moot Court Competition
WVU College of Law 101 Law School Dr. , Morgantown , WV, United StatesBabst Calland joins the West Virginia University College of Law for its National Energy & Sustainability Moot Court Competition, March 7-9, 2019. For more information, click here.
Center for Theater Arts’ “Reach for a Star” Gala Fundraiser
Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/SouthpointeBabst Calland joins Center for Theater Arts for its "Reach for a Star" Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Event proceeds go to providing all students, including those with special needs, with the highest quality performing arts instruction that supports the development of self-image and self-confidence. For more information, click here.
DRI Seminar – Toxic Torts and Environmental Law
Sheraton New Orleans Hotel 500 Canal St. , New Orleans, LA, United StatesAttorney Alana Fortna will co-present "Suing State and Local Governments over Laws and Permits" at DRI's Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar, March 13-15, 2019. Local and state environmental regulation often conflicts with federal and state law. This presentation will survey litigation strategies regarding the intersection of constitutional and environmental law. This is the premier gathering for the defense bar, focusing on litigation tactics, science, and regulatory updates. For more information, click...
EMLF Landman Institute: Legal and Ethical Issues for Landmen and Attorneys
Meadows Casino 210 Racetrack Rd, Washington, United StatesAttorneys Katrina Bowers and Charles Saffer will present "West Virginia Cotenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act: Practical Application Going Forward" at the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation's (EMLF) Landman Institute on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Approximately six months after the West Virginia Cotenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act became law in West Virginia, questions remain concerning the Act’s practical application. This session will address the who, what, when, where, why,...
PBA Environmental & Energy Law Section MS4 Roundtable – Stormwater Strategies and Solutions
Tree PittsburghAttorney Jean Mosites will be the moderator for the MS4 Roundtable - Stormwater Strategies and Solutions Program for the Environment and Energy Law Section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) on Thursday, March 14, 2019. State and local agencies and professionals with firsthand knowledge and experience will address permits and projects for municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in southwestern Pennsylvania. This program is of interest to municipal solicitors, managers and anyone involved in the management...
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
Hotel Indigo Pittsburgh 329 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAttorneys Justine Kasznica and Molly Meacham will present a CLE on "Cybersecurity and Data Privacy" for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Tuesday, March 19, 2019. This presentation will take a risk management approach looking at regulatory compliance and mitigation of litigation exposure providing guidance for corporate leadership on proactive strategies. Justine Kasznica Molly Meacham
CLE Program – Intellectual Property Law 101: Building Blocks for Cross-selling to Clients
BabstCalland_Pit_0119Attorney Carl Ronald will present a CLE program on "Intellectual Property Law 101: Building Blocks for Cross-selling to Clients." *Space is limited.
ASPIRE Pittsburgh 2019
Wyndham Grand Hotel Downtown 600 Commonwealth Place, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAttorney Christian Farmakis will moderate Conventional to Non-conventional Financing... and everything in between at ASPIRE Pittsburgh on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Every year ASPIRE connects thousands of local dealmakers, including middle-market CEOs, top PE and VC firms, major lenders and leading service providers. With sessions ranging from raising capital to buying and selling companies to alternative asset investing, this conference covers the breadth of the M&A landscape. For more information, click here....
2019 NAIOP Pittsburgh Awards Banquet
David L. Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd. , Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBabst Calland joins NAIOP for its Annual Awards Banquet on Thursday, March 28, 2019. For more information, click here.
PBI’s 2019 Environmental Law Forum
Harrisburg Hilton & Towers One North Second Street, Harrisburg, PA, United StatesAttorneys Kevin Garber, Blaine Lucas and Jean Mosites will be presenting at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's (PBI) 2019 Environmental Law Forum, April 3-4, 2019. Kevin Garber Blaine Lucas Jean Mosites
11th Annual Inclusive Voices
Fairmont Pittsburgh 510 Market Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAttorney Dean Calland will be participating at the PACE 11th Annual Inclusive Voices on April 5, 2019. Since 2009 more than 2,500 dynamic, diverse, engaged, and interested attendees from different walks of life have gathered to share a meal, share ideas, and communicate in an effort to effect positive changes in the Pittsburgh region. For more information, click here.
PIOGA 2019 Spring Meeting
Rivers CasinoAttorneys Kevin Garber and Jean Mosites will be presenting “From Paris to Pennsylvania - Cap and Trade and Climate Change" at the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association (PIOGA) Spring Meeting on April 10, 2019. This presentation will describe the November 27, 2018 petition by the Clean Air Council and other petitioners to the Environmental Qulaity Board to adopt a comprehensive cap and trade program in Pennsylvania. This meeting will...
2019 Charleston Scholarship Dinner
Charleston Civic Center Charleston, WV, United StatesBabst Calland joins the Mountaineer Athletic Club for its 2019 Charleston Scholarship Dinner on Monday, April 22, 2019. For more information, click here.
PIOGA Well Plugging Workshop
Clarion UniversityJoin us at Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association (PIOGA) Well Plugging Workshop on April 25, 2019. Topics include: CDAC's Role and Well Plugging Discussions, Legal Discussions of Well Plugging/Legacy Wells, Mechanics of Well Plugging, Well Plugging Regulatory Viewpoint and Well Plugging Experiences - Panel Discussion. For more information, click here.
CLE Program – eDiscovery for the Non Litigator
BabstCalland_Pit_0119Babst Calland's Chaz Peacock will present a CLE program on “eDiscovery for the Non Litigator." *Space is limited.
Bala Gala – “Mela”
Wissahickon Brewery 3705 W School House Ln, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesBabst Calland joins Bala House Montessori for its annual gala on Saturday, April 27, 2019. The Bala Gala brings together our entire community to raise significant funds for tuition assistance, teacher enrichment, capital improvements, and other Bala House greatest needs. For more information, click here.
Project Management and the Use of Artificial Intelligence
Hotel Indigo Pittsburgh 329 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAttorney Chris Farmakis will present a CLE on "Project Management and the Use of Artificial Intelligence" for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. In this fast-paced marketplace, companies are demanding more efficiency in project management and implementation of complex legal projects. The use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics technologies in combination with sound project management practices enhances efficiency and quality,...
Wildlife For Everyone Foundation’s Sporting Clay Classic
Sporting Clays at Seven Springs 777 Water Wheel Dr., Seven Springs, PA, United StatesBabst Calland joins Wildlife For Everyone Foundation for its Sporting Clay Classic on Friday, May 3, 2019. Wildlife For Everyone Foundation celebrates the rich heritage of Pennsylvania wildlife, habitat, sportsmen and sportswomen. Foundation funding benefits wildlife, wildlife habitat, scientific wildlife research and education, youth education and land preservation. For more information, click here.
2019 Night at the Speakeasy
Sienna Mercato Il Tetto 942 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBabst Calland joins Outreach Teen & Family Services, Inc. for its 2019 Night at the Speakeasy on Monday, May 8, 2019. For more information, click here.