West Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 Energy and Environmental Conference

Charleston Marriott Town Center 200 Lee St. E, Charleston, WV, United States

Attorney Kip Power will be presenting at West Virginia Chamber of Commerce's annual Environmental and Energy Conference on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. This conference is a comprehensive, informative and practical seminar on the significant state, regional and national issues that may affect operations and business activities in the state of West Virginia. This day-long event is well attended by professionals from almost every segment of the regulated and energy-production community.

4th Appalachia YEP General Counsel Forum

Omni William Penn Hotel 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins the Center for American and International Law's Institute for Energy Law Young Energy Professionals Practice Committee at the 4th Appalachia YEP General Counsel Forum on Thursday, May 25, 2017. The IEL YEPs will host general counsel to share professional and career advice. This evening event is going to be of great interest to in-house counsel who want to hear more about the careers and business concerns of some...

TMA Pittsburgh Golf Outing

Fox Chapel Golf Club 426 Fox Chapel Rd. , Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins Turnaround Management Association (TMA) for a day of golf and networking on Thursday, June 1, 2017. For more information, click here.  

The 2017 Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition

David L. Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd. , Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The AWMA Annual Conference will examine how leaders in industry, government, academia, and non-governmental citizen groups work together to improve community health and protect the environment. The Pittsburgh area is a great example of the amazing improvements in environmental quality and health that can occur when these groups are bridged together. Industry in this region has evolved to a diverse portfolio of energy suppliers, manufacturing plants, medical facilities and technology...

AGA’s Transmission Integrity Management Workshop

Attorney Brianne Kurdock will be speaking at the American Gas Association's (AGA's) Transmission Integrity Management Workshop, June 13-14, 2017. This workshop will feature presentations and lessons learned from pipeline operators, regulators, and service providers. Presentations and discussion areas will highlight where transmission pipeline operators can continue to enhance current integrity management activities in accordance with proposed federal rulemakings. For more information, click here.

Defense Trial Counsel of WV 2017 Annual Meeting

The Resort at Glade Springs 255 Resort Dr. , Daniels, WV, United States

Join us at the Defense Trial Counsel of WV 2017 Annual Meeting, June 14, 2017. Click here for more information.

Northeast US Petrochemical Construction Conference 2017

Sheraton Pittsburgh Station Square 300 W Station Square Dr. , Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us at the Northeast U.S. Petrochemical Construction Conference, June 19-20, 2017. The conference will feature some of the most influential business, government and labor leaders, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, investors, consultants and others who are driving the transformation of the Northeast US economy into a regional petrochemical powerhouse. Their insights are key to understanding the trends at play. Attorney Jim Curry will be presenting on Pipeline Development in Support of Petrochemical Expansion in...

PBI 8th Annual Oil and Gas Law Colloquium

Doubletree Pittsburgh - Meadow Lands 340 Racetrack Rd. , Washington, PA, United States

Join us at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) 8th Annual Oil and Gas Law Colloquium, June 21-22, 2017. Educational and networking opportunities abound as you uncover the latest developments in legal and regulatory practice, discuss the hottest issues facing shale energy practitioners and connect with your colleagues. Covering a wide array of legal issues, with a focus on Pennsylvania-specific concerns, the Oil and Gas Law Colloquium is the premier event for shale energy...

2017 AAPL Annual Meeting

Sheraton Seattle Hotel 1400 6th Ave. , Seattle, WA, United States

Join us at the 2017 AAPL Annual Meeting, June 21-24, 2017. Click here for more information.

AGA 2017 Legal Forum

The Fairmont Grand Del Mar 5300 Grand Del Mar Ct. , San Diego , CA, United States

The AGA Legal Forum is an intensive two-day conference that gives participants the unique opportunity for peer to peer discussions of gas industry issues with other member company general counsel and senior attorneys. The Thirty-Ninth Annual Legal Forum will focus on the impact of the changes taking place in the industry and the legal challenges facing you and your clients. The Forum will feature presentations and panel discussions on topics of vital interest to natural gas industry attorneys.

The Forum will be held July 10 – 12, 2016 at The Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina. This historic resort is set atop Sunset Mountain and offers sweeping views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Asheville can be accessed from three nearby airports. Click on the “Transportation Information” link on the right side of the page for airport information and other details on transportation.

International Association of Defense Counsel Annual Meeting

Fairmont Le Château Frontenac 1 Rue des Carrières, Québec City, Québec, Canada

Attorney Tim Goodman will be presenting "Smart Products: Evolving Liability and Coverage Issues" at the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) Annual Meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 2017.

St. Clair Hospital’s 20th Annual Summer Swing Golf Classic

St. Clair Country Club 2300 Old Washington Rd. , Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins St. Clair Hospital at its 20th Annual Summer Swing Golf Classic on Monday, July 17, 2017. All proceeds benefit the continued growth of St. Clair Hospital. For more information, click here.

SGA’s Operating Conference & Exhibits

Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Attorney Brianne Kurdock will be presenting at the Southern Gas Association's (SGA's) Operating Conference & Exhibits, July 17-19, 2017. Attendees will learn smart practices and lessons learned from their peers with 22 concurrent facilitated sessions to choose from. Breakout sessions with presentations from subject matter experts open the conference following the keynote address. Make plans to visit the exhibit hall, which will include more than 100 services and product service organizations showcasing...

Southwinds’ 16th Annual Charity Golf Outing

Southpointe Golf Club 360 Southpointe Blvd. , Canonsburg, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins Southwinds for its 16th Annual Golf Outing on Monday, July 24, 2017. Southwinds has a long, rich history as a nonprofit provider of community living and support services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Allegheny County. For more information, click here.

35th Annual “Chip-In” for Lifesteps Indiana Golf Classic

Join us on August 2, 2017 for the 35th Annual "Chip-In" for Lifesteps Indiana Golf Classic. Lifesteps' mission is to help individuals and families with life’s changing needs by developing programs and providing services which will improve their quality of life. Proceeds from this Golf Classic provide vital programs and services to children, adults, and families across Western PA. For more information, click here.