ACBA Annual Banquet

Rivers Casino

Babst Calland joins the Allegheny County Boroughs Association (ACBA) for its Annual Banquet on Saturday, February 2, 2019. For more information, click here.

MLBC’s February Lunch Meeting: Drones

Bridgeport Country Club 382 Meadowbrook Rd, Bridgeprt, WV, United States

Attorney Justine Kasznica will be speaking on the topic of drones at the MLBC's February Lunch Meeting on Thursday, February 7, 2019. For more information, click here.

ASA’s Annual Networking Evening

Rivers Casino

Babst Calland joins the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) at its Annual Networking Evening on Thursday, February 7, 2019.  For more information, click here.

NAPE Summit 2019

George R. Brown Convention Center 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX, United States

Join Babst Calland at NAPE Summit, February 13-15, 2019. NAPE is the oil and gas industry’s marketplace for the buying, selling and trading of prospects and producing properties. NAPE is unique in that it brings together all industry disciplines; draws in decision-makers; focuses its participation on prospect generators; and hosts companies of all sizes, from small independents to majors. For more information, click here.

A&WMA AMS February 2019 Luncheon

Pennsylvania Brewing Company 800 Vinial Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Attorney Jean Mosites will present "Cap and Trade - Past, Present and Future" at the A&WMA AMS February 2019 Luncheon on Thursday, February 14, 2019. Cap and Trade systems have been proposed, adopted and abandoned over the years in various regions across the United States and Canada. With the renewed emphasis on climate change and Pennsylvania’s Environmental Rights Amendment (ERA) in recent years, it is not surprising that a new...

MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence

Heinz Field East Club 100 Art Rooney Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Babst Calland joins the Master Builders' Association (MBA) for its Construction Industry Evening of Excellence on Thursday, February 28, 2019. The Construction Industry Evening of Excellence is our region's most successful and anticipated event due to the world-class projects that compete in the Master Builders' Association Building Excellence Awards.  For more information, click here.

SEER Essentials: The Clean Water Act – Understanding and Navigating the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program

Attorneys Donald Bluedorn and Gary Steinbauer will be panelists at SEER Essentials: The Clean Water Act - Understanding and Navigating the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program on March 6, 2019. This program, part of the ABA's Section of Environment, Energy & Resources Law (SEER) Essentials series, provides you with all the basics of The Clean Water Act's NPDES permit program. Join this group of highly experienced environmental...

Center for Theater Arts’ “Reach for a Star” Gala Fundraiser

Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/Southpointe

Babst Calland joins Center for Theater Arts for its "Reach for a Star" Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Event proceeds go to providing all students, including those with special needs, with the highest quality performing arts instruction that supports the development of self-image and self-confidence. For more information, click here.

DRI Seminar – Toxic Torts and Environmental Law

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel 500 Canal St. , New Orleans, LA, United States

Attorney Alana Fortna will co-present "Suing State and Local Governments over Laws and Permits" at DRI's Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar, March 13-15, 2019. Local and state environmental regulation often conflicts with federal and state law. This presentation will survey litigation strategies regarding the intersection of constitutional and environmental law. This is the premier gathering for the defense bar, focusing on litigation tactics, science, and regulatory updates. For more information, click...