Calendar of Events
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1 event,
American Conference Institute’s Automotive Product Liability Litigation Conference
Tim Goodman will be presenting at the session, Interview with NHTSA on Regulatory Oversight, Recalls, and Safety Standards, at the American Conference Institute’s Automotive Product Liability Litigation Conference, July 18-19, 2019. 2019 will mark the beginning of a new paradigm for Automotive Product Liability Litigation. Be prepared to address the new demands and legal and regulatory challenges the industry is facing. As new emerging technology for autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles...
2 events,
ACBA CLE – Recognizing Partner Violence and the Potential for Workplace Violence
ACBA CLE – Recognizing Partner Violence and the Potential for Workplace Violence
Attorney John McCreary will be co-presenting at the Allegheny County Bar Association's CLE, "Recognizing Partner Violence and the Potential for Workplace Violence." It’s a critical topic: partner violence. This seminar will focus on what attorneys should know about partner violence and employees in the workplace. Specific topics to be covered include: What employers can do to create safe workplaces for victims of partner violence Victims’ assistance and related perspectives Increasing...
3 events,
KECA’s Pittsburgh Chapter Fundraising Banquet
KECA’s Pittsburgh Chapter Fundraising Banquet
Babst Calland joins the Keystone Elk Country Alliance's (KECA) Pittsburgh Chapter for its Annual Fundraising Banquet on Saturday, February 2, 2019.
ACBA Annual Banquet
ACBA Annual Banquet
Babst Calland joins the Allegheny County Boroughs Association (ACBA) for its Annual Banquet on Saturday, February 2, 2019. For more information, click here.
3 events,
MLBC’s February Lunch Meeting: Drones
MLBC’s February Lunch Meeting: Drones
Attorney Justine Kasznica will be speaking on the topic of drones at the MLBC's February Lunch Meeting on Thursday, February 7, 2019. For more information, click here.
ASA’s Annual Networking Evening
ASA’s Annual Networking Evening
Babst Calland joins the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) at its Annual Networking Evening on Thursday, February 7, 2019. For more information, click here.
2 events,
NAPE Summit 2019
Join Babst Calland at NAPE Summit, February 13-15, 2019. NAPE is the oil and gas industry’s marketplace for the buying, selling and trading of prospects and producing properties. NAPE is unique in that it brings together all industry disciplines; draws in decision-makers; focuses its participation on prospect generators; and hosts companies of all sizes, from small independents to majors. For more information, click here.
3 events,
A&WMA AMS February 2019 Luncheon
A&WMA AMS February 2019 Luncheon
Attorney Jean Mosites will present "Cap and Trade - Past, Present and Future" at the A&WMA AMS February 2019 Luncheon on Thursday, February 14, 2019. Cap and Trade systems have been proposed, adopted and abandoned over the years in various regions across the United States and Canada. With the renewed emphasis on climate change and Pennsylvania’s Environmental Rights Amendment (ERA) in recent years, it is not surprising that a new...
2 events,
MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence
MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence
Babst Calland joins the Master Builders' Association (MBA) for its Construction Industry Evening of Excellence on Thursday, February 28, 2019. The Construction Industry Evening of Excellence is our region's most successful and anticipated event due to the world-class projects that compete in the Master Builders' Association Building Excellence Awards. For more information, click here.