Calendar of Events
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Leadership West Virginia’s 2020 State of the State Reception
Leadership West Virginia’s 2020 State of the State Reception
Babst Calland joins Leadership West Virginia on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, following the State of the State address at the Charleston Town Center Marriott for its 13th Annual State of the State Reception.
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CLE Program: Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
CLE Program: Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
Attorney Boyd Stephenson will present a CLE program on "Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards" on Friday, January 16, 2020. This program will include an overview of the Department of Homeland Security regulations to ensure that those utilizing potentially hazardous chemicals have necessary measures in place to reduce risks of those chemicals being exploited by terrorists. Covered industries include chemical manufacturing, storage facilities, energy and utilities, mining, paint and coatings, and even...
MLBC’s January Dinner Meeting
MLBC’s January Dinner Meeting
Attorney Nik Tysiak will present "Navigating the Tax Sale Maze" at MLBC's January Dinner Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020.
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2020 IOGAWV Winter Meeting
Babst Calland joins IOGAWV for its 2020 Winter Meeting at the Charleston Marriott, January 21-22, 2020.
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Successful Contract Negotiations
Successful Contract Negotiations
Attorneys Sara Antol and Justine Kasznica will present a CLE on "Successful Contract Negotiations" for the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC) on Thursday, January 23, 2020. This seminar will discuss how to negotiate contracts and will present a "Tool Kit" with sample language. For more information, click here. Sara Antol Justine Kasznica