Susanna Bagdasarova Interviews with Pittsburgh Tech Council

Susanna Bagdasarova and Chris Farmakis interviewed with host, Jonathan Kersting, from the Pittsburgh Tech Council to discuss the potential benefits and limitations of AI, including its ability to drive economic growth and create new revenue streams, while also raising concerns about data privacy and intellectual property protection.

The duo emphasized the need for responsible use of AI in legal work, including accuracy, verification, and regulatory oversight, to minimize risks for clients and provide creative solutions. Chris and Susanna also highlighted the importance of understanding AI from multiple perspectives to ensure ethical development and use. To listen to the full podcast, click here.

Justine Kasznica Discusses the Fast-Growing Space Industry with Pittsburgh Technologies Council

Pittsburgh Technology Council is talking with Justine Kasznica in the latest Emerging Tech Law Podcast about the current state of the region’s space industry in the public and private sector, what makes the tri-state area an attractive place for today’s space industry, how involved are local technology companies and the universities in the growing interest in commercial space development, and how Babst Calland is positioned to support these space and related tech companies.

To listen to the podcast, click here.
