October 27, 2023

PA DEP Secretary Negrin Resigns

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

Environmental Alert

(By Jean Mosites and Ben Clapp)

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) Secretary Rich Negrin submitted his resignation on October 26. Negrin’s resignation is effective December 9, 2023, and he will be taking a medical leave of absence until his resignation becomes effective. Former Executive Deputy Secretary Jessica Shirley will serve as Interim Active Secretary, effective immediately. Prior to serving as Executive Deputy Secretary, Shirly held the position of PA DEP Policy Director.

Babst Calland will continue to track these developments and provide further updates as additional information becomes available. If you have any questions regarding this change of leadership at PA DEP, please contact Jean Mosites at (412) 394-6468 or jmosites@babstcalland.com, or Ben Clapp at (202) 853-3488 or bclapp@babstcalland.com.

Click here for PDF.

October 12, 2023

A Municipality’s Struggle to Remove Resident’s Junk Vehicles: How to Avoid a Quarter Century Fight Over Blight

Pittsburgh, PA

Legal Intelligencer

(by Blaine Lucas and Anna Hosack)

A frequent, if folksy, recitation of the purpose behind zoning and land use restrictions is to prevent problems caused by the “pig in the parlor instead of the barnyard.”  In other words zoning regulations recognize sometimes a nuisance can be caused by putting the right thing in the wrong place.  Therefore, zoning ordinances attempt to keep more “offensive uses” away from more sensitive uses.  However, prohibiting a use on paper is one thing, ensuring ordinance compliance is another.  The Commonwealth Court in Township of Cranberry v. Randy J. Spencer, Nos. 568, 569, and 570-CD-2022 (Pa. Cmwlth. Aug. 30, 2023) (Spencer II)[1] recently considered one municipality’s decades long battle over operation of a junkyard in violation of its zoning ordinance.  A review of the history of this case provides the opportunity to consider the pros and cons of different enforcement options available to municipalities when faced with ongoing violations.

In Spencer, the owner of six parcels located in Cranberry Township, Butler County had been storing a multitude of junk vehicles (117 cars, 11 box trailers, 7 motorhomes, and 8 travel trailers) on his properties in violation of the Township zoning ordinance.  The Township had been trying for over a quarter century to induce the property owner to remove the junk vehicles, and he had even paid fines related to the same in the past – yet he never removed the vehicles.  In 2019, as authorized by Section 616.1 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. §616.1 (“MPC”) the Township served five “enforcement notices” (referred to herein as “notices of violation” or “NOVs”) against five of the properties for the unlawful operation of a junk yard in the Township’s A-1 Conservation District. 

October 10, 2023

James Chen, Pioneer in Electric Transportation and Sustainable Energy, Joins Law Firm Babst Calland’s Washington, D.C. Office

Washington, DC

Former transportation executive and veteran regulatory and environmental attorney, James C. Chen, has joined Babst Calland as a Shareholder in the Emerging Technologies practice in the law firm’s growing Washington, D.C. office.

Mr. Chen brings his deep experience in strategic planning and managing legal, policy and regulatory affairs for public and private companies with a focus on emerging technologies in the transportation sector, particularly electrification and sustainable energy.

“A revolution is occurring in the transportation and energy industries – from how we generate and store energy to power various modes of transportation to how those modes are operated with autonomous and artificial intelligence systems to the way we source, process and recycle the minerals needed to enable those modes,” said Mr. Chen. “Moreover, the challenge facing this revolution is not just figuring out how to best power new transportation technology, it’s also about how to best operate the factories that manufacture them.”

For the past decade, in his executive leadership roles for several new transportation technology companies, Mr. Chen was instrumental in the commercialization of modern electric vehicles and the way they are distributed and sold. Most recently, he was Vice President of Public Policy & Chief Regulatory Counsel for Rivian Automotive, LLC and previously, was Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & Deputy General Counsel at Tesla, Inc.

“We are delighted that Jim Chen is now a part of our firm and our Washington, D.C. office,” said Babst Calland Managing Shareholder Donald C. Bluedorn II. “Jim is a great person, and he has an outstanding reputation and track record as a leader in the electric transportation and sustainable energy space. His industry experience and focused approach to providing strategic and creative solutions utilizing new technologies will be a tremendous resource for our clients.”

In addition to managing his own private practice, Mr.

October 6, 2023

Pennsylvania tax assessment appeals and common level ratios – four observations

Pittsburgh, PA

Allegheny County Bar Association- Lawyers Journal

(By Peter Schnore)

The “Common Level Ratio” (CLR) is a figure calculated by a state administrative body every year for every county. It is calculated upon data that each county’s assessment office is to regularly provide to the state. It is expressed as a percentage – “ratio” is a misnomer.

The CLR is very significant in Pennsylvania tax assessment appeals, because Pennsylvania counties rely on irregularly-conducted “base year” assessments. By statute, the CLR is applied to a Board of Assessment or Court’s determination of current fair market value of a property at issue on appeal to set its assessment, with the intention that by doing so, the assessment will be sufficiently uniform with that county’s base year assessments.

Attention has been drawn to Allegheny County’s most recent CLRs following a challenge to how it was calculated for Tax Year 2022. The details of that case are very interesting, but are not germane to this article. This challenge ultimately resulted in a significant drop in that CLR, from 81.1% to 63.5%. The implications of this were significant: A property fairly assessed for 2022 based on the original CLR was suddenly more than 27% over-assessed (.811/.635 = 1.277). Allegheny County Council afforded property owners a second opportunity to appeal based on this development, and as one might expect, many property owners (those who were informed, and who had sufficient money at stake to make it worthwhile to appeal) took advantage of that opportunity. It is noted that the CLR applicable to Tax Year 2024 is 54.5%, further increasing the possibility that a given property is over-assessed.

Below are four observations regarding the Common Level Ratios. The first relates to Allegheny County, the others are points applicable statewide.

October 5, 2023

DEP’s Interim Final Environmental Justice Policy and Mapping and Screening Tool Now in Effect

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

Legal Intelligencer

(by Sean McGovern and Amanda Brosy)

The Shapiro administration recently released its Interim Final Environmental Justice Policy DEP ID: 015-0501-002 (“Interim Final Policy”) (http://www.depgreenport.state.pa.us/elibrary/GetFolder?FolderID=4556 (follow link to “Environmental Justice Policy.PDF”) (last visited Sept. 23, 2023)), along with a link to the latest Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool (“PennEnviroScreen”) (available online at https://gis.dep.pa.gov/PennEnviroScreen/ (last visited Sept. 23, 2023)). The Policy took effect on September 16, 2023, when official notice of the interim final rulemaking was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. See 53 Pa. Bull. 5854 (September 16, 2023).

Pennsylvania’s Environmental Justice Policy

The Commonwealth first adopted an Environmental Justice Policy (EJ Policy) in 2004 to provide citizens in EJ communities enhanced public participation opportunities during certain DEP permit application processes. In 2018, DEP circulated a draft revised policy for public comment, but ultimately withdrew the proposed revisions in 2020 following receipt of public comments. After conducting further outreach in 2021, DEP proposed an updated policy that would refine and expand the scope of the withdrawn 2018 revisions. On March 12, 2022, DEP released a draft of the EJ Policy for public comment, and subsequently received more than 1,200 comments during the comment period. The Interim Final Policy is the latest version of the EJ Policy to have been released by DEP since the comment period closed last spring. Although DEP had previously indicated that it was working to prepare a Comment Response Document in tandem with the Interim Final Policy, it has yet to release such a Document.

Important Features of the Interim Final Policy

The Interim Final Policy will likely have a tangible impact on permitting and enforcement processes for various industries going forward.

October 4, 2023

Experts debate role of international law in responding to the global climate change crisis at CWRU School of Law

Washington, DC

Case Western Reserve University – School of Law

(featuring Jim Chen)

On Sept. 28-29, two dozen of the foremost experts in climate change and international law gathered at Woodland Hall at the Cleveland Botanical Garden to debate how to respond to the increasing threat of global climate change. The event was organized by Case Western Reserve University School of Law’s Cox International Law Center and the school’s Burke Center for Environmental Law, and co-sponsored by the American Branch of the International Law Association.

Pictured above, alumnus Jim Chen (LAW ‘91), former vice president and counsel of Tesla and Rivian Motors, kicked things off as the Thursday evening dinner speaker with remarks about the need to safeguard human rights in the production of electric car batteries. Chen discussed a number of possible approaches to incentivize electric automobile manufacturers to adopt standards to protect the environment and human rights in their supply chain.

In his Friday morning welcome address, co-dean Michael Scharf set the stage by discussing how 2023 has seen some of the worst environmental disasters in our lifetime. “From continental-wide forest fires in Canada to floods of biblical dimension in Libya, climate change has been a daily fixture in the news this year,” he said. “In this context, I am pleased that CWRU School of Law was able to assemble such a prestigious group of experts to debate some of the most important questions facing international law: How should the international community enforce the newly recognized human right to a healthy environment? Is “ecocide” a viable international crime? Are environmental migrants entitled to refugee status? And can corporations be sued for climate change?”

John Knox, history’s first UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights and the Environment, delivered the morning keynote address on Friday.

October 3, 2023

EPA Releases Wide-Reaching Climate Enforcement and Compliance Strategy Memorandum

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

Environmental Alert

(by Gary Steinbauer and Gina Buchman)

On September 28, 2023, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) released a guidance memorandum entitled EPA’s Climate Enforcement and Compliance Strategy.[1]  EPA is directing all of its enforcement and compliance offices to address climate change in every matter within their jurisdiction, as appropriate.  This action was taken in conjunction with: President Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14008,[2] which directs all federal agencies to implement a “whole of government” approach to climate change; EPA’s overarching goal of addressing climate change issues in its FY2022-2026 Strategic Plan;[3] and EPA’s inclusion of Mitigating Climate Change as one it is six recently finalized National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for FY2024-2027.[4]  To implement this new strategy, EPA’s enforcement and compliance programs are directed to take action in three specific areas across all enforcement and compliance activities, including criminal, civil, federal facilities, and cleanup enforcement:

  1. Prioritize Enforcement and Compliance Activities to Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

EPA plans to prioritize current enforcement initiatives that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The National Enforcement and Compliance Initiative of Mitigating Climate Change focuses on reducing methane and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) emissions.  To reduce methane emissions, EPA is placing a greater emphasis on compliance with new source performance standards (NSPS) at oil and gas facilities and landfills.  EPA plans to place a particular focus on oil and gas “super-emitter events”, which are part of a new set of requirements in the soon to be finalized NSPS Part 60 Subparts OOOOb and OOOOc.  EPA will also use its enforcement authority to ensure compliance with the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act, which phases out the production and consumption of HFCs.

October 2, 2023

Governor Shapiro and the Modernization of Commonwealth Permitting

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

The Foundation Water Law Newsletter

(Lisa M. Bruderly, Mackenzie M. Moyer and Jessica Deyoe)

On January 31, 2023, during his first month in office, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro signed Executive Order 2023-07, “Building Efficiency in the Commonwealth’s Permitting and Licensing Processes,” to improve licensing, permitting, and certification throughout the commonwealth. Pennsylvania’s agencies issue hundreds of licenses and permits each year. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection alone issues hundreds of permits each year, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits, erosion and sediment control permits, and water quality management permits. According to Governor Shapiro, Pennsylvanians “deserve a government that works efficiently and effectively to get them answers.” Press Release, Gov’r Josh Shapiro, “Governor Shapiro Signs Executive Order to Improve Commonwealth Licensing, Permitting, and Certification Processes by Establishing Standard Response Times and Money-Back Guarantee” (Jan. 31, 2023). The executive order aims to eliminate unpredictability and long wait times for businesses in the permitting process. Id.

Under the executive order, agencies had until May 1, 2023, which was 90 days from the signing, to compile a catalog of the licenses, certificates, and permits they issue, the statutory authority governing the length of time in which agencies must process applications, and the application fee charged by each agency. The Governor’s Office then began a review to establish efficient application processing times based on specific agency recommendations. Once these timeframes are established, if an agency fails to respond to an applicant within the identified timeframe, the agency must refund the application fee. See Press Release, Gov’r Josh Shapiro, “Shapiro Administration Announces All Commonwealth Agencies Take Critical Step in Improving Licensing, Permitting, and Certification Processes” (May 5, 2023).

October 2, 2023

PADEP Releases Draft Technical Guidance for the Development and Implementation of Oil and Gas Well Site Integrated Contingency Plans

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

The Foundation Mineral and Energy Law Newsletter

Pennsylvania – Oil & Gas

(Joseph K. Reinhart, Sean M. McGovern, Matthew C. Wood and Gina F. Buchman)

On July 8, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) published a notice of availability of a new draft technical guidance document (TGD) entitled “Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Oil and Gas Well Site Integrated Contingency Plans for Unconventional Well Sites,” TGD No. 800-2200-001 (July 6, 2023). See 53 Pa. Bull. 3649 (July 8, 2023). The draft TGD is intended to provide direction to unconventional gas operators regarding expected and useful information to include in unconventional well site emergency response plans and preparedness, prevention, and contingency plans.

PADEP hopes that the document will provide operators with a practical and consolidated approach to meeting requirements under multiple state regulations for emergency or contingency planning. PADEP also hopes that utilizing a “one-plan” approach will minimize duplicating effort and standardize the format of emergency response information. Plans prepared in accordance with this TGD are intended to satisfy the requirements of seven different PADEP regulations and guidance documents.

The draft TGD includes a plan template divided into sections to facilitate field use: (1) a plan introduction, with pertinent site contact information and administrative obligations, and “quick sheets,” providing critical information and maps for first responders and site personnel; (2) a two-part section containing site-specific information and the purpose of the plan and the procedures and actions operators, their agents, and responders will utilize to respond to an emergency at the site; (3) a section focusing on preparedness, prevention, and contingency planning as required across multiple regulations to reduce redundant information already incorporated into other sections of the plan;

October 2, 2023

Oral Argument Heard Regarding Pennsylvania’s RGGI Rule

Pittsburgh, PA and Washington, DC

The Foundation Mineral and Energy Law Newsletter

Pennsylvania – Mining

(Joseph K. Reinhart, Sean M. McGovern, Gina F. Buchman and Christina M. Puhnaty)

As previously reported in Vol. 39, No. 2 (2022) of this Newsletter, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (PADEP) CO2 Budget Trading Program rule, or RGGI Rule, which links the commonwealth’s cap-and-trade program to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in April 2022. See 52 Pa. Bull. 2471 (Apr. 23, 2022). RGGI is the country’s first regional, market-based cap-and-trade program designed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil-fuel-fired electric power generators with a capacity of 25 megawatts or greater that send more than 10% of their annual gross generation to the electric grid.

On May 24, 2023, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court heard arguments on whether a lower court was right to prevent Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI. One of the predominant topics at oral argument was the issue of whether the credits that power plants would have to purchase under the regulation are considered a tax or a fee. The petitioners believe the credits to be an unconditional tax while the Commonwealth contends that the credits are a fee as authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act.

The corresponding lower court case was filed on April 25, 2022, by owners of coal-fired power plants and other stakeholders requesting review and a temporary injunction, which was initially granted. See Bowfin KeyCon Holdings, LLC v. PADEP, No. 247 MD 2022 (Pa. Commw. Ct. filed Apr. 25, 2022); Vol. 39, No.

October 2, 2023

The 2023 Babst Calland Report – Legal and Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities for the Energy Industry

Pittsburgh, PA, Charleston, WV, Harrisburg, PA, State College, PA and Washington, DC

Babst Calland today published its 13th annual energy industry report: The 2023 Babst Calland Report – Legal & Regulatory Perspectives for the Energy Industry. The Report provides insights on some of the most critical issues facing the industry.

This edition of The Babst Calland Report also features a special video briefing from U.S. Senator Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, who is at the forefront on federal energy policy.

Joseph K. Reinhart, shareholder and co-chair of Babst Calland’s Energy and Natural Resources Group, said, “The U.S. energy sector remains as dynamic as ever. New energy policies and legislation are changing the regulatory landscape and affecting all parts of the energy value chain. It is more important than ever for energy executives and their counsel to stay on top of federal, state, and local regulatory developments, legal risks, and the related business implications.”

This year’s Report highlights various challenges and opportunities in the energy sector, including:

  • Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) are getting a boost as tools for reducing carbon emissions. The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provided billions in funding in the form of tax credits, grants, and loans for hydrogen and CCS technologies.
  • Climate policy and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)-related practices may trigger new reporting requirements imposed by federal and state regulatory agencies. With increased focus on reducing greenhouse gas, particularly methane emissions from the energy industry, several proposed federal agency rules could make ESG reporting mandatory for certain sectors.
  • Environmental Justice (EJ) efforts continue to expand as a priority for federal and state agencies following directives from the Biden Administration.
October 2, 2023

Legislative & Regulatory Update

Pittsburgh, PA

The Wildcatter

(By Nikolas Tysiak)

Hello friends – only two relevant developments to report on this time – one in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania.

First, in French v. Ascent Resources-Utica, LLC, 2023-Ohio-3228 (7th Dist.), the Court of Appeals took an appeal from Ascent regarding the trial court’s summary judgment, finding that several leases on the land of French (and others) had expired. Ascent argued that the leases had been unitized as part of an existing unit, and therefore the leases were properly held beyond the primary term. The court found, however, that while a unitization document had been filed, several of the tracts within the unit were not under the control of Ascent, and there was no relationship between Ascent and the lessees of those lands that would allow the Unit to commence operations as conceived. Because of this, Ascent did not meet the operational requirements under the leases to maintain the leasehold rights beyond the primary terms of the leases. Additionally, the Court found there had been no actual drilling activity on the Unit, as no drilling permit had been issued. Consequently, no operations or production occurred on the Unit including the leases, either. The Court therefore upheld the motion for summary judgment against Ascent.

Second – in Douglas Equipment, Inc. v. EQT Production Company, 2023 WL 5239153 (Pa. Sup. Court August 15, 2023), the Superior Court was confronted with interpreting the language of a deed relating to a reservation of oil and gas rights. The landowners entered into an oil and gas lease in 1994. Importantly, shut-in payments could not be paid for more than 3 years under the terms of the lease. After executing the lease, the same landowners conveyed the land to Holt and Lee, excepting and reserving “all rights, title and interest” in the underlying lease, except for the free gas privilege.

September 29, 2023

How property insurance changes are affecting commercial real estate lending

Pittsburgh, PA

Smart Business

(By Adam Burroughs featuring Joseph Pope)

The commercial real estate market is facing a number of challenges. Among the most pressing are the new market realities being reflected in certain property insurance coverages that are affecting borrowers’ new and existing loans.

“Certain long-standing insurance requirements simply are not available any longer or are undergoing significant adjustment,” says Joseph A. Pope, an attorney with Babst Calland. “It’s playing out in real time between borrowers and their attorneys and lenders.”

Smart Business spoke with Pope about how changes in property insurance coverage are affecting commercial real estate lending, and what borrowers need to know about it.

How is property insurance changing?

Certain property insurance coverage is no longer available that had historically been part of lenders’ standard coverage requirements. Sometimes those considerations are geographic. For instance, in Florida there are types of property insurance that are either no longer being offered, or providers won’t cover certain properties as insurance companies have essentially hit their maximum amount of risk in the state. In Midwest and Gulf Coast states, changes to hail, windstorm and named storm coverage policies are affecting deductibles and certain payouts for these specific coverages. Similar changes are affecting property insurance in essentially all U.S. markets, including Pennsylvania, whether by way of loss of coverage, higher deductibles or increased premiums.

What now must be negotiated with lenders?

Property owners with existing loans in affected jurisdictions now must explain to their lenders that they may no longer be able to fulfill certain loan requirements that are predicated on insurance coverage. Lenders have been slow to proactively update their previous standard minimum requirements on property loans and there’s no guaranty they will do so in a borrower-friendly way.

September 20, 2023

DOL Proposes Rule Change Permitting Unions to Participate in OSHA Workplace Walk-Throughs

Pittsburgh, PA

Legal Intelligencer

(by John McCreary and Janet Meub)

On August 29, 2023, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would permit union representatives and other nonemployees to participate in workplace inspections conducted by Occupational Safety and Health Act Compliance and Safety Officers (CSHOs).

Section 8(e) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) currently allows “a representative of the employer and a representative authorized by employees the opportunity to accompany CHSOs during the physical inspection of the workplace for the purpose of aiding the inspection.” The OSHA and 29 CFR part 1903 give CSHOs the authority to resolve any disputes about who the employer and employee representatives are and to deny any person from participating in the inspection whose conduct interferes with a fair and orderly investigation. The CSHO also has the authority to permit additional employer representatives and representative authorized by employees to participate in the workplace walk-throughs. See 29 CFR 1903.8(a).

OSHA has historically mandated that the representative authorized by employees for a worksite inspection be an actual employee. Over the years, OSHA has offered guidance on its interpretation of section 1903.8(c) and the definition of “representative authorized by employees”. In 2003, OSHA issued a letter of interpretation (the Racic Letter) in response to the question of whether a union representative who files a complaint on behalf of a single worker could act as a walk-through inspection representative in a workplace that had no labor agreement. OSHA determined that there was “no provision for a walkaround representative who has filed a complaint on behalf of an employee of the workplace.” See, ID OSHA – 2023-0008-0002. Ten years later, in 2013, OSHA issued a second letter of interpretation (the Sallman Letter) stating that workers at a worksite without a collective bargaining agreement could designate a union or community organization for purposes of an OHSA walk-through inspection as long as it had been “authorized by employees to serve as their representative”.

September 18, 2023

EPA Announces National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for Fiscal Years 2024-2027

Washington, DC


(By Jessica Deyoe)

On August 17, 2023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives (NECIs) for Fiscal Years 2024-20271. For over 25 years, EPA has reviewed its priorities and set new enforcement and compliance initiatives every four years. Though EPA is charged with the enforcement of many environmental statutes, it prioritizes certain initiatives to address what it perceives to be the most serious and widespread environmental problems facing the United States.

While the EPA is preparing for the next four-year cycle, it is still enforcing under the current set of NECIs for Fiscal Years 2020-2023. The current six NECIs are:

  1. Creating Cleaner Air for Communities by Reducing Excess Emissions of Harmful Pollutants from Stationary Sources;
  2. Reducing Hazardous Air Emissions from Hazardous Waste Facilities;
  3. Stopping Aftermarket Defeat Devices for Vehicles and Engines;
  4. Reducing Significant Noncompliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Permits;
  5. Reducing Noncompliance with Drinking Water Standards at Community Water Systems; and
  6. Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities.

To determine initiatives for FY 2024-2027 cycle, EPA identified three criteria to evaluate the FY 2020-2023 initiatives and to consider new initiatives: (1) the need to address “serious and widespread environmental issues and significant noncompliance,” with particular focus on overburdened and disadvantaged communities; (2) a focus on areas where federal enforcement is needed to “hold polluters accountable” in order to “promote a level playing field”; and (3) alignment with EPA’s Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2022-2026.

The FY 2024-2027 NECIs selected by EPA focus on three of EPA’s Strategic Plan goals in particular: (1) Tackle the Climate Crisis, (2) Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice, and (3) Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance.
