Pittsburgh, PA
Developing Pittsburgh
(By Michael Korns)
It is a tough market for developers, with both supply chain issues and inflation limiting your options. But luckily, you have found a great piece of property to develop. You have the perfect use in mind; you have your financing lined up; your engineers and architects have determined that you should have no issues with stormwater or permitting; utilities are available; and everything is good to go. You are deep into the due diligence period, perhaps even past it, when you get “the call” with news you never want to hear: “Just a heads up, there may be a problem with the zoning.”
Of course, you looked at the zoning already. You checked the Use Table for this zoning, and you saw your use was listed. Or at least, something close enough was listed. And sure, the definition in the ordinance is a bit strange, and there are some nonsensical technical requirements that are confusing, but there must be a solution? But now the municipality is telling you that you are looking at months of hearings and approvals, and you are stuck in limbo and bleeding money with no guarantee this project will ever get off the ground.
Does this sound realistic to you? Unfortunately, as a land use and zoning attorney, it is all too realistic to me. Many times, when a developer calls, they are facing a situation similar to the one described above. Unfortunately, at this stage, there may be no way to save the project. Even if the issue can be resolved, the project can be significantly delayed, and in a business where timing is everything, a “perfect project” can turn into a black hole waiting for the legal process to unfold. …