RMMLF Mineral Law Newsletter
(By Joseph K. Reinhart, Sean M. McGovern, Danial P. Hido and Gina N. Falaschi)
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) continues to move forward with its rulemaking to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric generating units (EGUs) consistent with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Model Rule and Governor Tom Wolf’s Executive Order No. 2019-07, 49 Pa. Bull. 6376 (Oct. 26, 2019), as amended, 50 Pa. Bull. 3406 (July 11, 2020) (which extended the deadline for PADEP to present the regulations to the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board (EQB) from July 31, 2020, until September 15, 2020). See Vol. XXXVII, No. 3 (2020) of this Newsletter.
As part of PADEP’s public outreach efforts, PADEP hosted an informational webinar on August 6, 2020, regarding the benefits of Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI. See PADEP, “RGGI 101: How It Works and How It Benefits Pennsylvanians” (Aug. 6, 2020), https://www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/climate/Pages/RGGI.aspx. The webinar focused on the structure of the RGGI program and how participation will lower greenhouse gas and other air pollution emissions from electric power plants, as well as a discussion of the health and economic benefits from participation in the program.
Consistent with Governor Wolf’s amended Executive Order 2019-07, PADEP presented its proposed cap-and-trade rule to the EQB, the independent body responsible for adopting proposed PADEP regulations, on September 15, 2020. Following significant debate and opposition to the rule, the EQB voted 13-6 to adopt the proposed regulation. As proposed, the regulation would amend 25 Pa. Code ch. 145 (relating to interstate pollution transport reduction) and add subchapter E (relating to a budget trading program) to establish a program limiting CO2 emissions from a fossil fuel-fired EGU with a nameplate capacity of 25 megawatts or greater that sends more than 10% of its annual gross generation to the electric grid. …