
In 2007, in response to the rising volume cost and complexity of ediscovery, Babst Calland established its own internal Ediscovery Department. The Ediscovery Department provides all necessary services and support to our Firm’s attorneys and clients to address ediscovery needs at a fraction of the cost of third party vendors.
As the scope and costs of ediscovery have grown, so has Babst Calland’s investment in this vital litigation service. Our current ediscovery staff boasts over 20 years of combined technical experience and is equipped with state-of-the-art processing, review, and production tools to securely handle all types of client data. Our proprietary staffing partner, Solvaire, enables us to quickly assemble a team of experienced reviewers to meet any deadline. We have extensive experience handling ediscovery from collection to production for all types of litigation and administrative proceedings (toxic tort, commercial, employment, energy, environmental, etc.) at a significant cost savings for our clients.